Friday 24 June 2016

A Catch up and an Explanation

Hi Everyone!

So today I thought that I would explain the future of what happening with CharlotteNotes and a little catch up with whats been going on and the plan for future blog posts! 

I started a new proper website for my blog because I wanted to invest in this blog as it is a hobby for me and I felt that maybe trying a new platform could boost my blog and make it look all snazzy! (Hence the new design and layout!) I am also trying a new theme of my blog, but I am still going to have the same style of posts! I hope you can bare with me while I try to get this blog up and running! There will be a link in all my posts to my old blog so you will sill be able to read all my past posts and I also don't want to delete them as they are the foundation of CharlotteNotes and are a record of some really good memories which I personally will want to look back on.

For the future, I will be writing more frequent posts and they will be more fabulous and may even be posts like recipes and tutorials. For the next couple of weeks my posts are going to be about: The End of College, Wonderland Show and Summer plans (to name a few) and I can't wait to tell you about it all!

Anyway! I am currently so busy with finishing college and trying to make plans with friends, keep up the gym AND look for a job! Its so mainic but hopefully I'll soon get it under control.
Ive already had an interview for a hughstreet store but sadly didnt get it! I'm not too bothered though because it was my first interview and I was proud of myself for even getting the interview and there will probably be more in the future so maybe one day I'll be earning money!

Thats if we aren't totally screwed because of the EU Referendum results. I was fuming that the majority decided to leave so now I probably won't be able to afford living in London next year and my futures looking alot more scarier. So that is wonderful news and I hope people soon realise how screwed we now are!
Sorry to end on a bummer but anyway, I can't wait to keep blogging on this new website and to continue CharlotteNotes!

Charlotte x

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