Friday 12 August 2016

Big News!

Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone!

Well I have some fab news for you all! After last weeks agency audition, I got an email from them on Wednesday saying that I was successful and they wanted to offer me representation! Literally I stopped breathing for about 3 days and I am still in shock about it all! Tbh I still can't believe its happened and that this has really happened!

I can't say which agency it is due to confidentiality which I signed a contract for but all I will say is that it is a kids agency in London! I also have new headshots being edited and processed which is exciting! 
I have finally been given a chance and that someone is willing to let me attempt to be the best I can! Its kind of also proof that I am not entirely shit and that all the people who have never given me a chance (theres quite a list of twats) can all do one because why would an agency want to represent someone who isn't very good?? I don't care that if it makes me sound bigheaded but for once something has gone my way and for a change its my turn to be in the spotlight and not swaying in the background. Yes I haven't got work because all the paperwork is being processed but I am one step further to getting to live out my dreams and now I have the chance to even get auditions for much bigger opportunities! 

And this is proof to all the people who have ever said I'll never make it, well I am one step closer to making it so y'all were wrong and I hope you all enjoy a life of mediocrity and boredom. Maybe one day you'll be cleaners in my multimillion pound home in London, LA or New York!

Cheeky rant over but yes I am now moving onto the next step in my life and I now have a chance to make my dreams a reality! 

Hope you are all doing ok and I will be back to regular blogging soon!

Charlotte x

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