Hi Everyone
Heres Week Two of the weekly blogging that I Promised and I've decided to do something different this week and do a blog post on the Past 5 Books I have read and thoroughly enjoyed that I want to share with you guys. I kind of fell out with reading for a while and rarely read any books but in the past couple of months I have picked the book back up and started reading a lot more! I read on the bus to work, in Bed and in the bath as it really relaxes me and makes me feel like I've accomplished something when I've finished a good book!
So lets get cracking!

1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K Rowling
I am slowly re reading the Harry Potter Series as they are my fave books of all time and this was the last one I read before I started different books! I forgot how much I loved Prisoner of Azkaban and how it introduced one of my all time favourite Characters (Remus Lupin) I also think the Harry Potter books are absolutely hilarious at times and most of the humour was missed out of the films which is a shame but I always think that they are two different things really! I absolutely recommend the Harry Potter books and if you haven't read them then where have you been for the past 20 years?! They are so beautiful and exciting and sad and just so bloody fantastic! I mean I am a huge HP Fan which may make this choice slightly biased but I strongly recommend reading them or re reading them!

2. Eden Summer - Liz Flanagan
I originally bought this book in London at the Waterstones in Covent Garden and started reading it down there however, Summer happened and I ended up putting it on my bed side table and forgetting about it. I then started reading it once I finished work and holy Jesus this book was good! Its a mystery book about a girl who's friend has gone missing and how she is piecing her Summer back together to try and find her friend. It is a Young Adult book but the writing was superb! It had so many twists and turns and the ending was definitely what I expected but if you enjoy mystery books set in a small English Town then this is definitely for you! I had never read anything by Liz Flanagan but I really enjoyed her work and can't wait for her to write more books!

3. 13 Reasons Why - Jay Asher
Everyone knows that 13 Reasons Why is a hit TV Series on Netflix and yes I have seen it so when it came to reading the book I was a tad sceptical but it was surprisingly really good. This book is about a boy called Clay who finds these tapes which are the stories of the people who had a link to a girl called Hannah's death (Not a spolier trust me!) I would however say that there are some intense scenes in this book and it at times was really heartbreaking but the writing is so mint! Each chapter is a different side to the tapes so it was easy to read and there was so much more detail than in the series but I would advise there are some upsetting themes in the book such a suicide so just a heads up if you get very upset about those types of topics!

4. The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
Now this book is an autobiography written by the absolute legend that was Carrie Fisher, it took me a while to actually get round to reading this book and I was hooked 10 pages in! It is an autobiography about her time filming Star Wars and her relationship with Harrison Ford. I found the whole book so interesting and she writes so eloquently that each page was an utter treat! She goes into so much detail and she's so honest that you feel like you know everything that could have possibly happened! None of it was covered up or glossed over, she literally went into exact detail and had no shame which is why I admire her so much. She was honest and this is one of my fave autobiographies I have ever read.

5. A Tragic Kind of Wonderful - Eric Lindstrom
This is the latest book I have read and I was so engrossed in this story. The character Mel is so mysterious and has such a sad past that in every chapter there was another plot twist which keeps the reader on their toes. I feel it did take a while for the story to progress but overall I would 100% recommend. Its a book about Love, mental health and Mel's past. I mainly read this book on the Bus to and from work and I was so hooked by this book that I read it in 2 weeks which is super quick for me as I am a very slow reader. I now really want to read Eric Lindstrom's other book as his writing was definitely my cup of tea!
I hope you all found this interesting and maybe gave you a few ideas for Christmas presents as I have become so passionate about reading and hope you all enjoy these books as much as I did!
Charlotte x
*No Copyright Infringement intended. All artwork belongs to the Illustrators/Authors.*
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