Hi Everyone!
I deserve high praise indeed! I have actually blogged two days in a row! We are now onto day 3 of New York and this was our final full day in Manhattan! *internal cries*
We started the day off with a slight lie in because we were still a bit messed up with our sleeping and I awoke still in shock after seeing Fun Home the previous night! But today was a really exciting day, we were heading to Central Park! I was so hyped!
So we had breakfast, got ready and hopped in a taxi to the south end of Central Park where we decided to be proper tourists and go on a horse and carriage ride. Because why the hell not?!?
We arrived to where the horses were and picked one at random which was Cooper, and his owner, Tommy! Still quite amused that their combined name was Tommy Cooper. Tommy was an Irishman from Tipperary and was so lovely! He took us around part of the south end and told us some very interesting facts. He also answered all our 'blonde' questions with hilarity! I have no words for the beauty of Central Park. Its a slice of green beauty in a super busy city! The sun was shining and literally I couldn't have been more happy with life at that moment in time! After the horse ride we decided to walk around central park in the beautiful weather and admire the surroundings.
We decided to walk as far as the bottom of the lake and visited strawberry fields (John Lennon's Memorial garden place) and Cherry Hill (where they filmed the opening title of Friends). The whole experience was just breathtaking and beautiful! I think its now my favourite place because of its serenity, even though its in the middle of loud and busy New York!
By this point, Kathy was sweating like a Nun in a Brothel and we both were getting peckish as it was about 2pm and we didn't have loads of breakfast! We headed back up to the Times Square area to grab a bite to eat but we decided to have a big ish meal so we wouldn't have to find a restaurant after the theatre again! We ended up in a burger restaurant called The Counter which was so amazing! After lunch we headed towards Victorias Secret to finish off the rest of our shopping and other shops. I may have done some damage in VS but its so so much cheaper over there and I did need to stock up on pants, bras etc! The best deal was TWO body sprays FOR $10! Thats like £7.00 ish wheras in the UK and online you pay around £14 FOR ONE! I also needed some new notebooks for me second year at college and so we popped into Staples. Oh. My. Sweet. Barbra. It was stationary heaven! This is the store where I nearly died because of the prices. I paid 50 cents for ONE COMPOSITION BOOK! That is around 35p. I didn't know what to do except bulk buy some to last me the year. I'm still in shock at the price! Miracles do happen! I also bought a mega pack of crayons for my candle making for a whopping $3.00!
After our shop we headed back to the hotel to chill and sort out our purchases for easy packing the next day!
It was nice to just be in the air con for a change, I mean I LOVE the hot weather so much but it is nice to sit in the air con and watch other people walking by sweating their arses off!
It was around 6.45pm and we had to be at the theatre for 8pm so we headed off to the theatre but beforehand, we may have taken yet another trip to the theatre store as I wanted to by the Vocal score for Fun Home as I was going to buy it back home but I couldn't find it anywhere online so yeah, more dollar spent! But so so worth it!

We arrived at the Majestic Theatre in loads of time and I was getting increasingly excited for this! However, the theatre had a really weird set up and felt really unorganised but hey ho! We got to our seats and what a view! We could see the stage very clearly, the chandelier also and to top it off I had no one sat in front of me which has never happened to me in the theatre before! Again, I have no words for the show I had just seen! The cast were incredibly talented and it was by far the best version of Phantom I had ever seen (no shade West End)! Its shows like this that remind me why I am doing Musical Theatre and how hard I work! I love Phantom so much!
After the show had finished we had to go through Times Square to get back to the hotel and dear lord! It was so busy as most theatres were coming out at this point and so many people were walking so slow! Then some random numpty would just stop dead in the middle of the path. LIKE ARE YOU FO REAL? Theres a special place in hell for people like that! Cars were honking, music playing, people shouting. It sounds like Bedlam; but to me, I felt like I fitted into place!

That night I literally fell asleep as I fell through the hotel door! I even slept through the rave going on across the landing!
Well I only have one day left of blogging and I hope you are enjoying reading these!
Charlotte x
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