Hi Everyone!
So yesterday I got back from a three day trip to London with College and what busy yet exciting few days it has been! So this is a post explaining what I did and (yeah you guessed it!) another haul because its London and you can't not shop if you're a shopaholic like me.
We went on Tuesday 23rd May on the train from Newcastle to Kings Cross and got in to London at around lunchtime. We went to the hostel to drop off our cases and headed into Central London for some free time before we were meeting up to head off to the different shows that we had for.

So we arrived at Leicester Square as that would be our meeting point. Me and my friends, Hannah and Andy, decided to head to the Theatre Cafe and have a cup of tea and a relax after a long train journey in a stagey place! I love the theatre cafe because its such a relaxing place and the drinks aren't expensive at all and its full of stagey things. There is also musical songs playing constantly! Its on Shaftesbury Avenue opposite Les Miserables (Queens Theatre) if you are ever in London and want a nice hot drink and cake in a theatrical environment! It was quite cute because me and Hannah went to the Theatre Cafe in 2015 together so it was like an anniversary! After Hannah and Andy sung in Open Mic AND SLAYED IT we decided to go for some tea as we hadn't really eaten a proper meal all day. We ended up in Pizza Hut at Piccadilly Circus.

Me and Hannah
After Pizza it was time for us to head back to Leicester Square but we obviously went past Her Majesty's Theatre which is the home of my favourite, The Phantom of the Opera! On the evening me and Andy went to see Kinky Boots, which we have both seen with other members of the class and it was absolutely outstanding! Me, Andy and Alex were in tears at certain points!
After the show we all met back up and headed back to the hostel to be put into our rooms, settle in and also collect our luggage. I was in a room with Hannah and six other second years and it was amazing! At first I was nervous because I was the only first year but it really didn't matter and I loved getting to know them all! Personally I thought the hostel wasn't that bad, beds were fine and it was clean so I wasn't fussed. However, breakfast was a total mess. It was basically a bread bun and cheese for me. So I wasn't best pleased with the breakfast.
Wednesday was our busiest day and we started off with two hours free time for shopping in the morning so Me Hannah Andy and some more people went on an adventure to the holy land of expensive yet gorgeous bras and pants. Victorias Secret! Lord jesus I love this shop, its one of my favourite shops and I wish we had one in Newcastle, but the nearest one is Leeds. I picked up a few things which I will show in the haul at the end of my post but lets just say that my bank account was crying, and this wouldn't be my only shop that I would go in! After shopping, a rushed lunch at Mc Donalds and a run back to Pineapple Dance Studios we were doing a workshop about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Now we were meant to be having a song and dance workshop but we ended up having an Acting Workshop and OH MY GOD! It was amazing! It was so interesting and I enjoyed it so much! I also enjoyed being at Pineapple and felt like my training was starting to slot into place.
After the Workshop we had more free time before going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the Evening. Me, Hannah and Andy went back to Oxford Street to finish our shopping. We went in many shops and I spent too much money BUT not all of it!
We then all went to the theatre to see Charlie and oh my. It was up there with one of the poorest shows I have ever seen! The diction was so bad that you couldn't understand much what they were saying and the songs were pretty bad. However, it was visually pretty good and the boy playing Charlie carried the show!
These are photos that were taken at the theatre!
Hannah, Me, Andy and Holly
Hannah, Me Will, Millie and Chloe
Me and Will
Me and Andy
When we got back from Charlie, our teacher told us that due to not having a dance workshop we would haven on the Thursday at Pineapple at 9.00 am. I was quite nervous yet excited at the same time This meant that I would be up dead early for yet another 'award winning breakfast'.
On the Thursday we went to the dance workshop but God did I struggle! It was a workshop on two dances from Charlie taught by a past cast member which were the original audition dance and a section from the Veruca Salt dance. Even though I was pretty bad, I still really enjoyed it and found it so useful! In the afternoon we went to the V and A museum to see the new theatre exhibition and even though I had seen it before it was still so interesting!
This is a photo of all the first and second years at the workshop with Matthew Rowland who was in the cast of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Then we all went back to the hostel to collect our luggage as we needed to get lunch and get the train back to the North.
These are more photos I took with people!

Me Hannah and some of the Second Years
A photo of me taken on a camera box at the V&A being all vogue!
As if this blog post wasn't long enough, here comes the haul of everything I bought in London and this retail therapy was so needed!
This is a burnt orange short T shirt from Forever 21 and is a stretchy cotton. Its tight fitting but comfortable. I love the colour and it can be worn with so much, like a denim skirt or jeans or a plain black, or white, skirt.
LINK- http://www.forever21.com/UK/Product/Product.aspx?br=F21&category=top_t-shirts-basics&productid=2000153305
This is another top from Forever 21 but its a vest for fitness and from their activewear. I absolutely love this vest because of the colour and the back. It is beautiful and looks so nice on! I am going to be wearing this for the gym, college and dance as its loose and comfortable to move in.
LINK- http://www.forever21.com/UK/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=activewear_top&ProductID=2000153861&VariantID=
No trip to Oxford Street would be complete without a trip to Lush! I decided to pick up two more of the 'Guardian of the Forest' bath bomb as they're exclusive to Oxford Street and its my favourite bath Bomb. I also wanted to try the new Lava Lamp Bath Bomb as I was interested by it and I picked up another tub of Ocean Salt exfoliator as I cant find it anywhere and its my all time favourite face scrub!
GOTF LINK- https://uk.lush.com/products/guardian-forest
Lava Lamp LINK- https://uk.lush.com/products/new-products/lava-lamp
Ocean Salt LINK-https://uk.lush.com/products/cleansers/ocean-salt-self-preserving
Another shop I couldn't miss was Urban Outfitters. I adore this store but the Newcastle one is very disappointing so when I go to London I always treat myself and this time it was a midi patterned skirt from the sale. I normally wouldn't wear a midi skirt but this one jumped out at me and I thought, why not! It was only £10.00 and reduced from £42.00
Unfortunately I can't find a it on the Urban Outfitters Website!
Now, here is the first of my purchases from Victoria's Secret and is a light grey gym bag which is so practical yet gorgeous! I think Ill be using is as either my gym bag or my dance bag, when I go back to dancing. Theres so much room and its an easy bag to carry!
I couldn't find the exact bag on the website but here is a similar one!
LINK- https://www.victoriassecret.com/pink/pink-accessories-collection/gym-duffle-pink?ProductID=292988&CatalogueType=OLS
Theses are the pants that I bought, me and Hannah decided to split the 5 for £25.00 deal so I got 5 for £15.00 and she got 2 for £10.00. The burgundy hibiscus pants are so pretty and I already have a matching bra and thong in this pattern so there were a must!
LINK- https://www.victoriassecret.com/pink/all-panties-by-style/hibiscus-lace-cheekster-pink?ProductID=282765&CatalogueType=OLS
The next pair are turquoise green with black panels and orange detail. These are so comfy and don't have a VPL. They are plain but lovely! I couldn't find the exact same pair on the website but these are the same but different colours.
The final pair are multicoloured with PINK written all over them with a black waistband. They are really comfy and I love the multicolours!
Unfortunately I couldn't find a link!
Here are my final purchases which are two racerback vests in a pale grey and a dark indigo. I love these vests, they are so comfy and flattering. I already have an olive one and a burgundy one that I constantly wear for college!
LINK- https://www.victoriassecret.com/pink/tees-and-tanks/essential-racerback-tank-pink?ProductID=284885&CatalogueType=OLS
Overall my trip to London was good but slightly ruined by some people and their rudeness. But Im not going to go into detail because they don't deserve to be mentioned on this blog!
Well that was a mammoth post! I hopefully will start having a regular schedule of blogging, seeing as I finish college soon and will have time to schedule it regularly! But I may not be blogging regularly till then because we have a show which will be full on and a mountain of coursework I should be doing!
Hope you are all ok!
From Charlotte x