Friday, 22 May 2015

Leavers 2010-2015

Hi Everyone!

So today has been one hell of an emotional day! It was my last proper day at school and I can't believe after 5 years Im free from that dump. I can't say I had an amazing time at school but I can say I had a decent time. I have made some lifelong friends and met some extraordinary teachers who have influenced my life and inspired me! It was awful having to say goodbye to so many fabulous people but it was also amazing knowing I never have to go there again! Here are some photos with some of my friends and I will write about each one below!

 Me and Abigail have had some top quality banter during science and to be quite honest I think science would have been more boring than watching paint dry without her! Even though we only met in Year 9 I have had too many laughs with her!

 This is the Banter Bench and oh my life those poor teachers having to put up with our constant banter! Us three created some top quality banter which will make me laugh forever! I will be about 60 and be in a fit of laughter after some of the stuff we talked about!

 This is Oooooohhhh Becky! I have known her for about 13 years and today was so hard saying goodbye! We have grown up together and have had some hilarious moments! Even though in Years 7-9 we weren't as close, when it got to year 10 it felt like only 5 minutes since Primary School! I am gonna miss her but I will be annoying her on snapchat with spaghetti junction! (She knows what I mean!)

 Me and Zara have had lessons where we have talked non stop! Whether it was about having a cheeky Nandos or Politics! Even though we only really met in Year 10 I feel like I've known her so much longer! She better get into law school so if I need a lawyer when I'm older I can get one at mates rates!

 This is the bae that is Charis! I've known her for about 11 years and we have had some hilarious times! It seems like only yesterday we were skipping around the field singing the entire score to The Wizard of Oz! This was another hard goodbye but I know wherever she goes she will be successful and extremely happy (as usual!).

 This is Declan and he is one of my longest friends, I have known him for 14 years and we are going to Newcastle together so I will see him most days on the train but even so it was the end of an era! Even though I sometimes come across as mean deep down I never mean it and I hope he knows this!

 This here is Karis and what a fab friend and tutor group friend she has been! As a fellow drama llama its been fab having so many drama based conversations! Many a tutor time we have been putting the world to right and I'm gonna miss our everyday rants about the waste of time that is Maths! Remember its all about grabbing marks! (Anyone in my Maths class will get this!)

 This is my m8 leanne and Oh Dear God! I still laugh about our year 7 banter about woooooaaaaakkkkkaaaayyyyyy! I'm going to miss her so much and I don't know how I am going to survive without our daily laughs! If I was ever in a bad mood this pickle ALWAYS knew how to cheer me up! Watch out for her though because one days she will be a famous footballer while I'm living in a cardboard box in London! 

 Luke and I are 2 kool for skool! We have become amazing friends these past 2 years and his humour has kept me going! Our free banter sessions with Mrs Brown have been on point and I hope we stay in touch! Ths year especially I feel we have become closer and I would consider him one of my really good friends! I know he will have a fab time at college cutting wood and I know he will have a fabulous future! Some of our selfies have been works of art but I can't put them  on here because they are too fabulous!

 Niamh is just too lovely! We have known each other since year 7 and its all coming to an end! We have had so much banter in french and I hope that we stay in touch! I can still remember 'help ma boab!' and I still randomly chuckle at it from time to time!

Oh Patrick (Patty Poops) what a legend! With fabulous hair and a fabulous sense of humour he has had me crying with laughter at lunch! It only seems like 2 minutes ago we were Buzz Lightyear and Tinkerbell! Now look at us! Even though we are going to Newcastle together, the banter levels are going to drop!

 This beautiful specimen is one Sam Brown, it seems like only 5 minutes we were tiny year 7's in Our House and I had such a fun time doing Return to the forbidden planet and We Will Rock You with him!

Here is my bae who has been through everything with me, we have fought, cried, laughed and got pissed together. I know she knows but she's been there for me when life was being a twat. I'm going to miss her so much when she goes to Durham but we will meet up as regular as we can!

 This is my signed school blouse featuring a dick, rainbow flag and many stars!

 Here is the best Tutor group in the school! H9! We are fabulous and we wouldn't be the people we are today without the bad ass, lovely and amazing Mrs Hale! H9 will never be the same without us!
And last but definitely not least, the most amazing person I have ever met, Mrs Hale! She has been the most amazing tutor/teacher/listener anyone could ask for! She already knows this but she has shaped my life more than anyone has or ever will! From tears, to rants she has listened and either comforted me or made me laugh till I can't breathe! Life is going to be awful without seeing her everyday but words cannot describe how much I am going to miss her. School would have been 1000000% worse without her and the safety of B9! She deserves an award for everything she does. Her stories and banter are too on point and she made my life worth living again!

Some people that I forgot to get a photo with are certainly not being left out of my mentions!

Brady Pepper- She is just to bloody amazing! Working in drama was an absolute pleasure, even though I was a nightmare! We are going to College together and the train journeys are going to be fab! Our lunch banter has been on point and we have had so many laughs! She is an amazing human being!

Holly Kendall- What a lovely and funny girl! I have had some amazing banter with her and I can't believe we won't see each other everyday! My favourite moment has to the OBTC rehearsals and every lunch time! I hope we stay in touch!

Enya Rosenvinge-  Me and Enya have been friends since Primary School and it was so weird saying goodbye today but I know she will have an amazing future flying all over the world!

I can't believe the 5 years are over! I know to some people I come across as a loud dramatic bitch but I can say that with quite a few people we have had an amazing time and we all have a bright future! And to the arseholes who think they got the better of me! You tried but failed! 
I wish everyone Good Luck with their GCSE's and I hope you all have an amazing future!

Charlotte x

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