Sunday, 12 April 2015


Hi Everyone!

So tomorrow is the day I go back to school after Easter and to be honest I would rather stab myself in the eye with some needles. I hate school, no sorry, I despise school. I don't know what it is like at your school (wherever you are in the world) but mine is pretty much a replica of hell. It is a science based school which means there is NO consideration for anything creative. Even though we do have drama it is horrendous and it would have been better taking another subject at year 11. There is also a lack of decent teachers as only a few of my teachers seem to know what they are actually doing! 
My school also seems to let many students get away with bullying and instead of being punished, they actually get rewarded for it. You may think I'm being a drama queen but trust me, this happens quite regularly. 

Another reason why I loathe school is that I have found it very hard to fit in over the years due to many factors, mainly because of my theatrical personality. I am regularly told that being an actress isn't a 'real' career and Drama isn't a 'real' subject. Well to all you people out there who say this, you try remembering a whole script and 10 songs including 3 solos in 3 months while smiling and remembering every stage direction. (But this is only one reason why I don't fit in, more will follow in a future blog post!)

Eve though only have 4 weeks left it feels like I have another 4 years to deal with because time goes ridiculously slow in that place. 

Maybe later on in another blog post I will go into more detail and talk about different situations that I have had to face over the years! We'll see!

I hope that you all have a better day than me tomorrow and I hope that you don't have to put up with the crap that I have to every day of school week.

Charlotte x

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