Hi Everyone
Its time to get back on the blogging horse (metaphorical of course) and why not come back with my personal bucket list for the season! I love Autumn, most of the time, and every season I write a bucket list in my bullet journal because as a person I need personal goals to function. So my theory is that if I write them on my blog as well as my bullet journal then I am more likely to complete them (I have already hit one of my goals which is a first!)
1. Have a Harry Potter binge Day (DONE)
2. Go on an Autumnal walk
3. Have a Costa/Starbucks hot chocolate date
4. Sort out Wardrobe and donate clothes
5. Finish Decorating my room (put wallpaper up)
6. Go the the Gym at least twice a week
7. Try a new craft project
It may be a small list, for now, but in November I will probably add more to this list as its going to keep me busy during this boring and pointless gap year.
Hope you are all enjoying Autumn.
Charlotte x