Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Autumn Bucket List

Hi Everyone

Its time to get back on the blogging horse (metaphorical of course) and why not come back with my personal bucket list for the season! I love Autumn, most of the time, and every season I write a bucket list in my bullet journal because as a person I need personal goals to function. So my theory is that if I write them on my blog as well as my bullet journal then I am more likely to complete them (I have already hit one of my goals which is a first!) 

1. Have a Harry Potter binge Day (DONE)

2. Go on an Autumnal walk

3. Have a Costa/Starbucks hot chocolate date

4. Sort out Wardrobe and donate clothes

5. Finish Decorating my room (put wallpaper up)

6. Go the the Gym at least twice a week

7. Try a new craft project

It may be a small list, for now, but in November I will probably add more to this list as its going to keep me busy during this boring and pointless gap year. 

Hope you are all enjoying Autumn.

Charlotte x

Choices and Regret.

Hi Everyone

So I know what you're all thinking "Oh Charlotte wheres the New York Posts you promised?" Well I didn't make it to New York. I made a choice to differ for a year and take a gap year instead. I'm not going right into details as its quite private and not necessary to be put on my blog but yes I am still in Durham and have a part time job at Marks and Spencer at the Metro Centre to raise some funds for New York and to give me some life experience to prep for next September. I have gone into hiding really since 17th September. Even though I am stuck in awful Durham for another year I am planning to have a very chilled year after 2 years of hell at college and to rebuild my confidence. I am already planning a holiday and in March will be going to the Harry Potter Studio Tour with my Sister and seeing Cursed Child in London. So I suppose its not all doom and gloom. I am so grateful the AADA is letting me differ for the year.

I'm sorry if I've let anyone down but I am quite down about it all and embarrassed to tell you guys but it needed doing. 
To all those 'friends' who have completely ignored me, blatantly replaced me or told me I'm a disappointment. You know who you are and all I have to say is that at least I know who my real friends are and you certainly aren't one of them. 

But to end on a high note I would like to thank Tony and Patrick for being so lovely and talking to me everyday and making sure I actually haven't gone insane. Love you guys. 

Heres to more blogging and a good gap year ready to prep me for next year.

Charlotte x