Wednesday, 15 February 2017

A Week of Sleep!

Hi Everyone!

If you live in the UK and are still at school or college then most of you will be in the same boat as me with half term coming up. A week of lying in and pyjama days. I mean Im supposed to be doing coursework but I will obviously get distracted and start procrastinating because thats what I do best! If you know me then you will know how much I love my sleep and how much I need it! If I don't get 7+ hours then I'm basically a sloth the next day and can't do anything and this is one of the reasons why I love weeks off, mainly so I can catch up on sleep that I have lost! (And trust me, I have a lot of sleep to catch up on) the worst thing about going to college far away from where you live is that you have to get up basically when its dark and get on public transport (trains for me) at a grim hour. This has made me so bitter towards mornings and waking up before 10.00am is just not an option for me on the weekend or when I have days off. 

Not much is happening in my life at the moment except I got some heartbreaking news that Rosie (my rabbit) is unwell and there is nothing that the vets can do so now I just have to keep her comfortable and shower her with even more care and love than she had before. In the past she has developed tumours which have been removed by operation but seeing as this is her third, we are fighting a losing battle. I cannot describe how heartbroken I am, I was convinced that my little poot would live forever. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that she has a lot of time left. Ive had Rosie for 7 years and she was a year old when I got her and she's my best friend! I love her to pieces and she's so cute! To other people she is 'just a rabbit' but she is much more than that and I think anyone with a heart and love of animals would understand how shit this feels.

Anyway I hope you are all having a better week than me and have some exciting plans for the week off (If you have a week off!)

Charlotte x

Sunday, 12 February 2017

2017 so far....

Hi Everyone!

Well what a busy year I have had so far! I literally haven't stopped since Christmas and this is the first Sunday where I have time to sit down and blog as I am not doing anything till this evening where my and my friend Jonny are going to see Sue Perkins at her book launch show in Newcastle later and I am so pumped! But yes, I am sat currently watching KUWTK and wearing my Pashmina with my candles on feeling very Hygge! (I am currently obsessed with Hygge which is pronounced hoogah if you aren't familiar with this word).
Since December I have auditioned for one of my drama schools which I sadly didn't get recalled but it was such a  good learning experience and I'm proud of myself that I even went to the audition but we move on and focus on the future auditions I have planned for the various schools. I have also just finished doing a vocal concert at college this week and it was so good! It was such a fab time and it gave us a chance to get close to our first years because we were in the same dressing room and there was such a good atmosphere around the whole show! Except for Friday where I had the worst headache ever and have never been in so much pain so spent most of the day clutching my giant bottle of Evian and snuggled in a corner in my big snuggly varsity jumper! This year I have also been eating healthier and focusing on more healthier recipes and trying new things, also less snacking even though show week I may or may not have eaten a lot of crap because its show week and you can sometimes take a break and enjoy a big bag of gummy bears without feeling the guilt! (Lets pray I have abs by the summer!)

Since turning 18 I can now go out on the weekend meaning me and Maddy can sesh till our hearts content! Lets just say that if I sniff another blue lagoon pitcher from spoons, I may actually die!

In 2017 I have also really gotten back into reading and have rekindled my love for Harry Potter and have been so lucky that I have got tickets the to see The Cursed Child Play in London in 2018 with my sister and I am beyond excited for this! Lets hope Im still in the UK or have enough money to get back to England to see it. Hufflepuff all the way!

Its just been a really busy start to the year but I am gonna try to blog at least once a week because I love blogging and should make more time for it! I also have a lot planned this year and want to make this year above average! 

I hope 2017 has been lush to you all!

Charlotte x