Saturday, 16 July 2016

Dance and becoming a Yoga Bunny?

Hi Everyone!

Hope you are all having a chill weekend! And if you're finished college/uni/sixth form/school then hope you're joining me in enjoying the free time and no responsibilities except maybe getting out of bed at least once a day! 

So I have recently been becoming a more 'active person' and have been trying new things to improve my fitness levels and flexibility. I have gone back to dance after about a month off due to my mental breakdown over Musical Theatre. I have basically picked up from where I stopped and really haven't struggled as much as I thought I would! However some things never change and ballet is still an enemy of mine!

I have also joined a yoga class at my gym and I absolutely love it! My instructor is super lovely and the class has a very calm and laid back vibe! I love yoga now even though I have only been twice, I can't wait for my class every week! At first I was really nervous because I didn't know much about yoga and had never really done it before but I have found it not to difficult and the class is really friendly! I started yoga because I want to be more flexible and to be a more 'controlled' person!

I haven't really done much this week but I did see Lauren (from the Sweeney Squad) and we had a catch up in spoons where she introduced me to me new favourite cocktail, Purple Rain! It is Cherry Sourz, Blue Curacao and lemonade! Lord its beautiful!
I also have a part time job lined up as a local paper girl and I am super excited!  FINALLY I HAVE A JOB!!

Hope you are all ok!

Charlotte x

Monday, 11 July 2016

June Favourites

Hi Everyone!

I have recently been trying to come up with my favourites list for June and have really been struggling to think of things to include this month! It isn't as long as the May favourites and some of my favourites aren't actual items that I can photograph so lets see how this works out!


This month I have been loving flowers and having them in my room and the living room and this week its a type of lily which looks simple yet effective. 

Since the goldfish tank isn't there anymore there was a space on the coffee table that needed filling and flowers look so perfect there!


My next favourite of this month is candle making. Its a new craft that I have been really getting into and I love making candles! I started by getting a kit from Hobbycraft (a UK based craft store) which was the 'Kirstie Allsopp Vanilla Votive Candle Kit' which had all the basics needed to start making candles so: Paraffin Wax, Beeswax, Vanilla Scent, Wicks, Moulds and Resting Sticks. But now that I am getting the hang of candle making I have started to experiment with various colours, stripes and different patterns. 
But instead of paying a lot for candle colourant, I use 'Crayola' wax crayons to colour my candles and it works so well! Its also a hell of a lot cheaper.

New York

And last but not least is NEW YORK! I am going there at the end of August so I have been doing ALOT of planning with different restaurants, places to visit, transport etc. I literally cannot wait!


Candle Making Kit-

This is my months favourites and I know it isn't very long but I haven't had as many favourites this month and have really been using the same products since May!

Hope you're all ok!

Charlotte x

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Exciting Times!

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't been blogging recently, I haven't really been dong much as I'm not feeling 100% and just making the most of relaxing on my break from college!

Well that was until yesterday where me and Kathy (Mum) went into Durham to book an exciting holiday to....... NEW YORK! Yes Charlotte is going to New York at the end of August as a VERY early 18th Birthday present to see FUN HOME! I'm still in shock tbh like this is a dream! I have been dying to see Fun Home and go to New York for what seems to be forever and knowing that I will be seeing it on the 28th August. WHAT EVEN! I can't wait to go! 

Thats all thats really happened this week but its a pretty massive thing!

I hope to be back blogging more frequently once I'm back on top form!

Charlotte x


Hi Everyone!

So today has been a pretty down day as I came downstairs to see that my goldfish hadn't made the night. Now I know it sounds silly but I was heartbroken because I always cry when someone dies, be it a pet, someone I know or favourite celebrity and I was absolutely gutted. I had two goldfish Gok and Dolly. Dolly died well over a year ago and Gok survived much longer when she was gone but they lasted about 4 years which is so long for a goldfish. So today has been a pretty shit day and I will miss the tranquility they both brought to the living room in their tank. So I'll be snuggling Rosie (my pet rabbit) even closer now!

 Heres Gok and Dolly as baby fishes when I first got them 2nd July 2012!

Sorry its a bit of a down post but I feel like I need to write a little obituary for him to say goodbye to both him and Dolly. 

Hope you all had a better day than me!

Charlotte x