Hi Everyone!
Hope you are all having a chill weekend! And if you're finished college/uni/sixth form/school then hope you're joining me in enjoying the free time and no responsibilities except maybe getting out of bed at least once a day!
So I have recently been becoming a more 'active person' and have been trying new things to improve my fitness levels and flexibility. I have gone back to dance after about a month off due to my mental breakdown over Musical Theatre. I have basically picked up from where I stopped and really haven't struggled as much as I thought I would! However some things never change and ballet is still an enemy of mine!
I have also joined a yoga class at my gym and I absolutely love it! My instructor is super lovely and the class has a very calm and laid back vibe! I love yoga now even though I have only been twice, I can't wait for my class every week! At first I was really nervous because I didn't know much about yoga and had never really done it before but I have found it not to difficult and the class is really friendly! I started yoga because I want to be more flexible and to be a more 'controlled' person!
I haven't really done much this week but I did see Lauren (from the Sweeney Squad) and we had a catch up in spoons where she introduced me to me new favourite cocktail, Purple Rain! It is Cherry Sourz, Blue Curacao and lemonade! Lord its beautiful!
I also have a part time job lined up as a local paper girl and I am super excited! FINALLY I HAVE A JOB!!
Hope you are all ok!
Charlotte x