Monday, 22 June 2015

Opening Night!

Hi Everyone!

So lately I have been having a pretty rough time as I have completely left school and I found it really hard to say goodbye to people. I mean yeah we have prom but it felt like a final goodbye. I am really going to miss my friends and certain teachers who have been fantastic over the 5 years and I know these summer holidays are going to be long and at times lonely! 

But anyway, tonight is opening night for the Wizard of Oz and I have fallen ill. I mean it could only happen to me! With my luck.
I am so excited to be doing a show with such a fab cast! I will be posting photos later on!

Here is a picture of my show flowers that I get for every show that I do! They are actually beautiful! I adore flowers and I love all of my past show flowers!
Anyway I hope you have a fab week and I'll hopefully blog more frequent!
Charlotte x

Saturday, 13 June 2015


Hi Everyone!

So I'm going through Wizard of Oz rehearsals and being a general busy body but I thought I would take some time to talk about a difficult topic for me.

For those who don't know me personally, I find it extremely hard to make and keep friends. With every one of my friends we have had at least one argument or falling out and each time it makes it harder for me to trust people and I feel like I have to be careful with what I say. I would say I am an ultimate diva, imagine Rachel Berry and Sharpay Evans' love child. I come across as loud and cocky but deep down, I am quite shy and I get nervous really easily. I feel like with some people I ALWAYS put my foot in it! Some people forgive me but others don't so easily.

I have quite a few special friends who have stuck by me even when I am moaning about the world! One of these friends is Maddy, she knows me exactly, even from my facial expression. We have had days where we moan about our crushes not liking us and binge watch The Inbetweeners or Gavin and Stacey, laugh non stop or fight and argue like it's World War III! Some of the stuff I have said is pretty bad but we are as bad as each other sometimes! I know I can be a cow but she always accepts my apology and I have never told her directly how much it means to me but I hope through this blog she will understand how much she actually means to me and how it really hurts me when we fall out!

Another is Brady, as she would say, she is a good'en! I am so excited to be joining Newcastle with her and these past two years we have gotten to know each other really well! We sometimes have the odd disagreement but is always forgiven and forgotten with some top quality banter! There have been lessons and lunchtimes where we have cried till we laughed! (with the help of another close friend Patrick!)

One of my friends who I am going to miss so much when we go to different colleges is Luke. He is actually hilarious, our free periods became banter sessions with non stop laughter! We are also very similar in many ways and our humour is something quite special! I know one day we will see each other again and we will only have to say one word and be in fits of laughter!

Now where do I start with Hannah? We are so alike we are like twins, except she has curly hair! I have known her for 4 years this August and it feels like I have known her forever! We can go months at a time without seeing each other and when we do meet up its like it was only a day since we last saw each other! We know each other so well that there are some things only we will get! Our humour is so alike. She always knows what to say to me and her advice has been a huge part of getting me through life. Doing shows together has to be a highlight of my life! I can tell the Wizard of Oz is going to be amazing with her! I know that we will be life long friends! And I know when we get to London and can't afford anything we will have cardboard boxes next to each other! You have no idea how excited I am to being joining the same course as her next year its going to be fantastic! I genuinely couldn't imagine my life without her!
Heres a picture of us and it is one of my favourites!
But on the other hand, its not just my fault that I can't make friends. A lot of people judge me before they really get to know me and assume I am a loud and nasty cow, which is partly true! A lot of people also think that they can laugh at me and talk about me behind my back because I rarely confront people I don't really know. It makes me so paranoid and makes me think I can't speak to anyone without some one commenting about it! I just wish people wouldn't judge me and would get to know the real me which 8/10 is quite funny and uplifting!

Anyway if any of you find it hard to make friends then I want you to know you aren't alone and that we should try our best to ignore the arses of life and try to find the people who make us laugh and who we care deeply about!

Charlotte x

Sunday, 7 June 2015

The steps towards the Future!

Hi Everyone!

What a week I have had! I have some really exciting news! This week I have been asked to joined a production of The Wizard of Oz in Sunderland with one of my best friends, Hannah! I am so excited because believe it or not, I haven't been in a production of The Wizard of Oz ever! *Gasp*

I have only been to 2 rehearsals and the entire company is so lovely and welcoming! They have made me feel so welcome and I think its going to be an amazing few weeks! 
I will be playing a Munchkin, an Emerald City Person and a Winkie! which is going to be very exciting!

Heres a link where you can get information on buying tickets to come and see it! I would LOVE it if you could come and see this amazing production of a much loved show!

Yesterday (Saturday) I went to my first dance class at the Rachel Wilson School of Dance and I absolutely loved it! I am going to be doing ballet, tap and modern so I know what I am doing when I get to college and to also improve my general dance ability! Again I am going with Hannah which is amazing because we live far away from each other so we will get to see each other much more. Everyone there was so lovely and welcoming!

I can't believe within a week I have joined a production and a dance class! I feel like my future is getting here a lot quicker and that I finally am working towards getting on the west end after 5 years of wishful thinking! Joining these 2 new groups has also restored my faith in humans as I have met some truly dreadful people at various drama groups and they made me think that most drama groups/schools were like that!

Anyway thats all that really happened this week apart from a Maths Exam which was a catastrophe but screw maths!

Charlotte x

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

What am I like!?!

Hi Everyone!

I am so sorry I haven't been blogging for a while! I have had a bizarre week and a hell of a lot of revision to get through. 

Well I had an eventful week, last week. I have taken leaving school pretty hard. As much as I detested that dump, Friday was pretty special and I think that is why I have been pretty down. I am going to miss my friends a lot more than I thought I would and its gonna take me a long time to get used to not seeing them everyday, but hopefully I will see them most of the time during the rest of my summer holidays! 
I have had a load of revision aswell which is the bane of my life. It is the biggest waste of time and I better bloody pass these exams with all this time i have wasted looking at old exercise books! The one subject I have a feeling I am going to fail is Maths. It is worse than horrific how boring it is and how useless I am as a maths student! But my exam is on Thursday and maybe next Monday! So I will let you know how it goes.

Yesterday I had my History exam and I was pretty confident with it! I have probably done the most revision for History!

Today I had my English Language exam in the morning and my RE exam in the afternoon. My hand is still crippled, I am currently typing with a dead hand!
English was 2 hours 15 minutes! OVER 2 HOURS OF CONSTANT WRITING! The questions weren't so bad and I got to write about London on the writing section so its all good! 
RE on the other hand. What a mess. I was greeted by the schools Uniform Nazi and dear god. What a twat he is I don't know a single student or teacher who actually likes him, he is a waste of air and to be quite honest needs to get a life. An example of the pain he inflicts is that my friend Patrick had a tie on that wasn't 'up to this teachers standard' so he came over and decided to redo Patricks tie and then say "All you need is a shave and you would be presentable." Im sorry but who the hell does he think he is WE ARE 16. Stop being a twat.
Anyway. So I had a conflict with him over the ring that I wear everyday because you know, a ring with affect the grade I get. So after having him lecture me and being a general dick I got in to the exam, sightly frazzled and the questions were pretty difficult! But hey ho! Its not like I am going to be a vicar or nun anytime soon!

Also more interesting news I have had my cartilage pierced on my left ear and I love it! Its a bit sore but I can deal with it! Excuse the quality of the photo and the quality of my hair you get the general idea of what it looks like!

So tonight I have been job hunting for some part time work and watching Orange is the New Black again in time for Season 3 to be released! This is so I know whats happening because it was a while since I watched it! 

And in Celebrity news have you all seen the Vanity Fair cover with Caitlyn Jenner! Oh my God she is stunning! I am so happy she can finally be who she is and I hope she's much happier!

So if I haven't drowned in a sea of Maths revision and the History of Nazi Germany revision I will hopefully blog later on in the week!

Hope you have all had a good week!

Charlotte x